Images and Barcode

This section describes functions for raster images, bitmaps, bar codes, and QR Code®.

2D Barcode Generator - $1C $7D $25 k rel

Encodes the specified string as a center justified 2D barcode. Only k bytes of the string will be read and any remaining will be treated as regular text or ESC/POS commands. The command and data must be enclosed by Line Feeds.


Requires firmware 1.9 or newer


Hex       $1C  $7D $25 k

ASCII     FS   }   %   k

Decimal   28  125  37  k

  • This 2D barcode is compliant with the QR Code® specification and can be read by all 2D barcode readers.
  • This command must be sent when the current line is empty. If not, the command will be ignored, and the bytes to be encoded will be printed as text.
  • Up to 154 8-bit characters are supported when used with firmware before version 1.29. Firmware version 1.29 and higher supports up to 255 characters.
  • If the input string length exceeds the range specified by the k parameter, only the first 154 characters (255 character if using version 1.29 or higher) will be encoded. The rest of the characters to be encoded will be printed as regular ESC/POS characters on a new line.

0 < k 154 8-bit alphanumeric and URL-safe characters for version < 1.29 0 < k 255 8-bit alphanumeric and URL-safe characters for version 1.29





write("\x0a")           # Beginning line feed
write("\x1c\x7d\x25")   # Start QR Code® command
write("\x1C")           # Length of string to follow (28 bytes in this example)
write("\x0a")           # Ending line feed
write("\x0a")           # Beginning line feed
write("\x1c\x7d\x25")   # Start QR Code® command
write("\x06")           # Length of string to follow (6 bytes in this example)
write("\xE5\x90\x8C\xE5\x83\x9A") # 同僚 (Colleague)
write("\x0a")           # Ending line feed

QR Code® is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.


Dynamic 2D Barcode - $1D $28 $6B phx

Encodes and prints a string of characters up to 32 characters long


Requires Universal firmware for Phoenix.


Hex       $1D  $28 $6B  pL  pH  cn  fn [parameters]

ASCII     GS   (   k    pL  pH  cn  fn [parameters]

Decimal   29   40  107  pL  pH  cn  fn [parameters]

  • pL is the length of the string to encode plus three. This represent the total count of bytes following the pL parameter.
  • pL and pH specify the number of bytes following cn as (pL + pH × 256).
  • The function is specified with the function code (fn). Details of the performance differ according to the function.
  • cn and fn are specified in decimal format.
cn fn Function no. Function Name
49 80 Function 180 QR Code: Store the data in the symbol storage area.
81 Function 181 QR Code: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area.
cn fn Function no. [parameters]
49 80 Function 180 m = 48
81 Function 181 m = 48, d1…dk
  • Function 180:
    Stores the QR Code symbol data (d1…dk) in the symbol storage area.
  • Function 181:
    Prints the 2D barcode if available. Must be called after sending the Generate command. Once this command is sent, the generated barcode is erased. Each QR code must be printed by first generating then printing.

(pL + pH x 256) = 4 - 7092 Function 180

(pL + pH x 256) = 3 Function 181

cn = 49, fn = 80,81

m = 48

d = 0 - 255

k = (pL + pH x 256) - 3






Print URL as 2D barcode (sample binary bin)

write("\x0d")                             # newline
write("\1d\x28\x6b")                      # start command
write("\x1f\x00")                         # string length (28 bytes + 3)
write("\x31\x50\x31")                     # rest of command...
write("")     # Actual string
write("\x1d\x28\x6b\x03\x00\x31\x51\x31") # Print now

Set 2D Barcode Size - $1C $7D $74 k rel

Sets the width/height of QR code cells, measured in dots (8 dots = 1mm).


Requires firmware 1.29 or newer


Hex       $1C  $7D $74 k

ASCII     FS   }   t   k

Decimal   28  125  116 k

  • If the QR code generated with the configured size setting is too big to be printed on the paper being used, the printer will automatically choose smaller sizes, down to the smallest valid size (3 dots per cell) until a suitable size has been found. If no suitable size can be found, the QR code will not be printed. This will only occur when using paper smaller than 80mm with the largest valid QR code size.
  • Paper size is configured through the Pyramid Reliance Tools application.
  • If the size requested by the host is outside of the valid range, the size setting will not be changed.

3 k 8


k = 8



write("\x1c\x7d\x74\x04")      # Set the QR code to 4 dots per cell (4 dots = 0.5mm)

Barcode Generator (1) - $1D $6B m $00 rel

Barcode Generator (2) - $1D $6B m n d1...dn rel

  • Defines and prints a 1D barcode using the mode specified by m. This command has two forms. Form 1 does not take the string length n, but reads all bytes after m and before the first NUL byte (0x00) received as the string to encode. Form 2 of the command reads n bytes following n as the string to encode. The form used is determined by the value of m received.
  • Form 1: 0 ≤ m ≤ 20
m Barcode System No. of Characters Valid Characters (decimal) Minimum Firmware Version
4 Code 39 1 ≤ k 48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46, 47, 58 1.18
5 ITF 1 ≤ k, k must be even 48 ≤ d ≤ 57 1.21
8 Code 128 1 ≤ k 1 ≤ d ≤ 127 1.18
  • Form 2: 65 ≤ m ≤ 90
m Barcode System No. of Characters Valid Characters (decimal) Minimum Firmware Version
69 Code 39 1 ≤ n 48 ≤ d ≤ 57, 65 ≤ d ≤ 90, 32, 36, 37, 43, 45, 46, 47, 58 1.21
70 ITF 1 ≤ n, k must be even 48 ≤ d ≤ 57 1.21
73 Code 128 1 ≤ n 0 ≤ d ≤ 127 1.18
  • Form 2 of the command allows a NUL byte to be encoded when used with Code 128.


Requires firmware 1.18 or newer


Hex (1)      $1D $6B m $00

Hex (2)      $1D $6B m   n

ASCII (1)    GS  k   m NUL

ASCII (2)    GS  k   m   n

Decimal (1)  29  107 m 0

Decimal (2)  29  107 m   n

  • If there is data in the buffer when the printer receives this command, the buffered data will be printed, and the barcode will be printed on the following line.
  • If the barcode generated is too long to be printed, nothing will be printed.
  • If an invalid value of m is sent, no barcode will be printed, and the string sent will be parsed normally.
  • If an invalid character is sent, the text “HRI NOT OK” will be printed.
  • Barcode justification is set by the $1B $61 (Select Justification) command.
  • Barcode height is set by the $1D $68 (Set 1D Barcode Height) command.
  • Barcode width is set by the $1D $77 (Set 1D Barcode Width Multiplier) command.
Notes for Code 128:
  • To encode a string with a NUL byte, the second form of the barcode generator command must be used. In this case, the string length n equals the count of all characters following n.
  • Characters that are within the valid range defined in the table above, but are invalid to the current mode are ignored, and not encoded.
  • Special characters (mode select, mode shift, FNC) are transmitted by sending the ‘{’ character before the special character. The first two characters following m must select either mode A, B, or C. The ‘{’ character is transmitted by sending two ‘{’ characters. A special character (one that is preceded by ‘{’) that is not defined in the table below is ignored, and not encoded.
  • If the first two characters following m do not select a valid mode, the text “HRI NOT OK” is printed.
Character Hexadecimal ASCII Decimal
Shift $7B $53 { S 123 83
Mode A $7B $41 { A 123 65
Mode B $7B $42 { B 123 66
Mode C $7B $43 { C 123 67
FNC 1 $7B $31 { 1 123 49
FNC 2 $7B $32 { 2 123 50
FNC 3 $7B $33 { 3 123 51
FNC 4 $7B $34 { 4 123 52
‘{’ $7B $7B { { 123 123

See table above for range of valid barcode systems, and the range of valid characters and string lengths for each system.




Select Justification

Set 1D Barcode Height

Set 1D Barcode Width Multiplier

# Encode the text "CODE 39" as a Code 39 barcode

# Encode the text "Code 128" as a Code 128 barcode,
# using form 1 of the command, and mode B

# Encode the text "pi = 3.14159265" as a Code 128 barcode,
# using form 2 of the command, and modes B and C
# Command header (includes code system and string length)

# Mode B select, and the string "pi = 3."

# Mode C select, and the string "14159265"

Set 1D Barcode Width Multiplier - $1D $77 n rel

Sets the 1D barcode width multiplier.


Hex       $1D $77 n

ASCII     GS  w   n

Decimal   29  119 n

  • The barcode is scaled horizontally by n units. A value of 2 doubles the width of each bar in the barcode, doubling the width of the entire barcode. A value of 1 does not scale the barcode. In an unscaled barcode, the thinnest bar has a width of one dot (0.12499975mm, or 0.00492125 inches).
  • This parameter does not need to be set for every barcode. It is only reset to the default value when the printer is rebooted.
  • If an invalid (out of range) value of n is sent, the command is ignored.
  • When using code 128, a scalar of 1 may produce barcodes that are valid, but too small to be properly read.

1 n 6


n = 2

# Set the 1D barcode width to be three times the base width

Set 1D Barcode Height - $1D $68 n rel

Sets the 1D barcode height, measured in dots.


Hex       $1D $68 n

ASCII     GS  h   n

Decimal   29  104 n

  • The barcode height n is measured in dots. One dot equals 0.12499975mm, or 0.00492125 inches.
  • This parameter does not need to be set for every barcode. It is only reset to the default value when the printer is rebooted.
  • If an invalid (out of range) value of n is sent, the command is ignored.

1 n 255


n = 100

# Set the 1D barcode height to 50 dots

Set HRI Printing Position - $1D $48 n rel

Sets HRI Printing Position based on n:

n Position
0, 48 Not printed
1, 49 Above the barcode
2, 50 Below the barcode
3, 51 Both above and below the barcode

If an invalid value of n is used, the command is ignored.


Hex       $1D $48 n

ASCII     GS  H   n

Decimal   29  72  n


0 n 3, 48 n 51


n = 0

write("\x1d\x48\x32")    # Set HRI characters to print below the barcode

Set HRI Font - $1D $66 n rel

Sets HRI Font n:

n Position
0, 48 Font A (15 CPI)
1, 49 Font B (20 CPI)

If an invalid value of n is used, the command is ignored.


Hex       $1D $66 n

ASCII     GS  f   n

Decimal   29  102 n

  • CPI means “characters per inch”. A higher CPI equates to a smaller, more compact font.

n = 0, 1, 48, 49


n = 0

write("\x1d\x66\x31")    # Set HRI characters to print using font B.

Raster Image - $1D $76 $30 m xL xH yL yH rel phx

Prints a raster image


Hex       $1D  $76 30  m xL xH yL yH

ASCII     GS   v   %   m xL xH yL yH

Decimal   29  118  48  m xL xH yL yH

  • When ​standard mode​ is enabled, this command is only executed when there is no data in the print buffer. (Line is empty)
  • The defined data (​d​) defines each byte of the raster image. Each bit in every byte defines a pixel. A bit set to 1 is printed and a bit set to 0 is not printed.
  • If a raster bit image exceeds one line, the excess data is not printed.
  • This command feeds as much paper as is required to print the entire raster bit image, regardless of line spacing defined by 1/6” or 1/8” commands.
  • After the raster bit image is printed, the print position goes to the beginning of the line.
  • The following commands have no effect on a raster bit image:
    • Emphasized
    • Double Strike
    • Underline
    • White/Black Inverse Printing
    • Upside-Down Printing
    • Rotation
    • Left margin
    • Print Area Width
  • A raster bit image data is printed in the following order:
d1 d2 dx
dx + 1 dx + 2 dx * 2
. . . .
dk - 2 dk - 1 dk
  • Defines and prints a raster bit image using the mode specified by ​m​:
m Mode Width Scalar Heigh Scalar
0, 48 Normal x1 x1
1, 49 Double Width x2 x1
2, 50 Double Height x1 x2
3, 51 Double Width/Height x2 x2
  • xL, xH ​defines the raster bit image in the horizontal direction in ​bytes​ using two-byte number definitions. (​xL + (xH * 256)) Bytes
  • yL, yH ​defines the raster bit image in the vertical direction in ​dots​ using two-byte number definitions. (​yL + (yH * 256)) Dots
  • d ​ specifies the bit image data in raster format.
  • k ​indicates the number of bytes in the bit image. ​k ​is not transmitted and is there for explanation only.
  • Image bytes should be in MSB order.

0 m 3, 48 m 51

1 xL + (xH * 256) 65535

1 yL + (yH * 256) 2047

0 D1...Dk 255

k = (xL + (xH  * 256)) * (yL + (yH * 256))





